Complete Trains
Bubble Car Pack
With thanks to Martin Corbett of BVETMD - This train uses Martins Class 108 as the cab view and running gear.
Class 121 / 122 Single car units
This train comes as a pack containing various liveries.
BR Green (121)
Regional Railways (122)
Arriva Trains Wales (121)
Class 117 Pack
With thanks to Martin Corbett of BVETMD - This train uses Martins Class 108 as the cab view and running gear.
Class 117 - Three car unit
This train comes as a pack containing various liveries.
BR Green
Regional Railways
Class 108 Pack
With thanks to Martin Corbett of BVETMD - This train uses Martins Class 108 as the cab view and running gear.
Class 108 2 and 4 car units in original BR Green and later Blue and Grey.2
Download - v1.0
Externals Only
Virgin Voyager Class 220
Virgin 'Voyager' Class 220 External
This is a rebuild of my original Class 220 external built 10 years ago that is now showing it's age.
You will require the Cl220 4 car Virgin Voyager from BVE4Trains (Link below), paste the contents of this download into the Cl220 4 car Virgin Voyager folder overwriting any existing files.
Derby Lightweight Pack
Class 483 - 2 Car External
2 Car Class 483 external objects to go with the LT1938 Stock to form an Isle of Wight unit.